Feasting Safely: Foods Your Pet Should Avoid This Thanksgiving

Feasting Safely: Foods Your Pet Should Avoid This Thanksgiving

As Thanksgiving approaches, we all prepare to indulge in festive treats and a hearty Thanksgiving meal. But as pet owners, we must remember that our furry friends should not indulge in the same way. This Thanksgiving, we have compiled a list of foods your pet should...
Back to School Blues: Helping Your Pet Adjust to a Quieter House

Back to School Blues: Helping Your Pet Adjust to a Quieter House

Back to school season is an exciting time for kids, but for pets, it can be the source of anxiety and stress. After a summer filled with playtime, cuddles, and attention, the sudden decrease in activity can have a profound impact on our pets. It’s common for...
Recognizing Signs of Fear in Pets During Summer Months

Recognizing Signs of Fear in Pets During Summer Months

As pet owners, it’s crucial to prioritize the mental and physical health of our beloved companions. One of the most common causes of stress in pets is summer thunderstorms and fireworks. During these events, pets exhibit various behaviors that indicate fear and...
An Itchy Problem – What You Need to Know About Your Pet’s Skin

An Itchy Problem – What You Need to Know About Your Pet’s Skin

One of the most rewarding things about being a pet owner is knowing that you’ve given an animal a loving home for the rest of their days. And what could be more rewarding than giving a senior pet a “new leash on life”? Senior pets are often passed...
An Itchy Problem – What You Need to Know About Your Pet’s Skin

An Itchy Problem – What You Need to Know About Your Pet’s Skin

Is your pet constantly scratching? Pets can suffer from various skin issues that can cause extreme discomfort. Some pets may develop skin irritation as a result of allergies, while other pets may be itchy from fleas or other parasites. To provide your pet some itch...